About Me
Hello! I'm Ben, or Zanderfist (your standard forgotten origins screenname).
I made this site to archive all of the various creative things I've written over the years, whether that's a big project like the play Superheroine, or a short script like Excellent Hands Are The Devil's Winnings. Plus, I'll be providing info here about upcoming projects of mine like Smythen and Zanthology.
Admittedly, I've always had a knack for writing, due to my love for reading and telling stories as a kid, but I'm always looking to sharpen my skills and eventually publish something that I'm truly proud of. Personally, I love to read, write and experience stories with great premises that ask fun or difficult questions about the world around us.
My inspirations as a writer would have to be Mark Waid, Robert Kirkman, Jack Handey, John Swartzwelder, Richard Curtis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Professionally, I spend my weekdays as a copywriter, but I'm always writing independently in my free time.